
これまでも「SUPER OPEN STUDIO(S.O.S.)」の写真は、さまざまな人たちによって撮影されてきました。毎年、参加者、来場者、関係者たちが撮影してきた写真は膨大な量になります。


「S.O.S. 2021」もまた同様の会期を設けましたが、オープンしたスタジオもあれば、しなかったスタジオもあるのが現状です。


『S.O.S. BOOK 2021』では、各スタジオの撮影者が押したシャッター数の写真をそのまま掲載しています。そこにはフラッシュがたかれていない不明瞭な写真も含まれます(一部、肖像権等の問題でぼかしが入っている写真があります)。しかし、何も写っていなければ、意味がないのでしょうか。




『S.O.S. BOOK 2021』は通常の写真集と同じく、右へ、左へ、とページをめくるように写真を見ることができます。そして、ネガフィルムをスクロールしながら時間の連続性もたどれるようになっています。

「S.O.S. 2021」の会期中に、時間を切り取ってもらうこと――1枚1枚の写真としてではなく、1本のフィルムとして。

コロナ禍のオープンスタジオをオンラインで発信するのであれば、そうした時間を写した写真集がよいのではないか。それが、『S.O.S. BOOK 2021』がアナログフィルムからのデジタル写真集になった理由です。


編集代表 中尾拓哉

P.S. デジタルカメラに慣れた私たちは忘れてしまったのかもしれません……暗いところではフラッシュをたくということを。

Artmaking and Everyday Life

Many people have taken pictures of SUPER OPEN STUDIO (S.O.S.) up until now. Every year, there is a huge amount of pictures that were taken by the participants, visitors and staff members.

S.O.S. had had more than 20 shared artist studios open at the same time since 2013. However, since 2020, in order to take countermeasures for COVID-19 infection, S.O.S. has decided to hold its open studio for several months, which is longer than usual. Each participating studio has made their own decisions whether to have their studios open.

Although S.O.S. 2021 set a longer duration like S.O.S. 2020, some studios opened and some did not.

The reason why we provided a Fujifilm QuickSnap to every one of the 20 studios was to let the artists capture the flow of time in their studios during the event.

For S.O.S. BOOK 2021, we decided to show all the pictures taken by artists from each studio. There are also some obscure images since they were taken without flash. (Some of them are intentionally blurred due to copyright restrictions.) However, is there no meaning if there is nothing in a picture?

Those pictures submitted from our film developing company, which had been digitized from film negatives, were numbered, for example, from “08930001.jpg” to “08930027.jpg.” After organizing them in order, we realized that the whole sequence somehow lacked a sense of continuity.

It was because Fujifilm QuickSnap is digitized in reverse order, from the last shot to the first shot, due to its film processing mechanism. It might be too obvious, but it feels like there is certainly a continuous flow of time once we put all the pictures according to the order in which those pictures were taken.

This continuity is not the continuity of the specific scene; however, it might be about the photographer’s mood or the studio’s ambience that was circulating in those limited 27 exposures along with the exposure counter.

S.O.S. BOOK 2021 can be read as a regular photo book by flipping the pages from left to right and vice versa. In addition, the readers can scroll down the film negatives so that they can understand the continuity of time.

It was about cutting out a slice of time during S.O.S. 2021 — not as individual pictures, but as a film roll.

If we were going to have an open studio online during the pandemic, it would be better to create a photo book capturing the flow of time. This is why we decided to convert S.O.S. BOOK 2021 from an analog film compilation to a digital photo book.

It is our greatest pleasure if the readers can feel the flow of time of each studio from this photo book.

Takuya Nakao, Editor in Chief

P.S. Perhaps, since we are so used to using digital cameras, we have forgotten the fact — that we can use flash in the dark.
